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What is the significance of determining the breakdown voltage of oil in production operation

2018/5/17 Viewers:
At present, insulating oil is a widely used liquid insulating medium for electrical equipment, so it must be equipped with excellent electrical properties. The breakdown voltage of insulating oil is one of the important electrical properties that can be used to assess whether it can adapt to the voltage intensity of the electric field. The breakdown voltage is one of the important quality control indexes of the new insulating oil.

Insulating oil is the main insulation part of oil filled electrical equipment. The breakdown voltage of oil is an important condition to ensure the safe operation of equipment. If the oil contains impurities and absorbs moisture in the air, or the oil is aging and deteriorating, the breakdown voltage of the oil will be reduced, the good insulation of the equipment is affected, and even the equipment is penetrated, which causes accidents. So in the oil quality standard, the breakdown voltage of oil has specific indexes according to the voltage grade of different equipment. Requirements, and regular or irregular sampling, breakdown voltage measurement, in order to identify problems and deal with them in time. This is of certain significance for preventing accidents and ensuring safety.